The Fagulous Blog!

Learning the Fags of Life!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Heavy D joins the slimy fun!

I'm finally here and its been a long hard bus ride. I gotta to cool my dogs. I want y'all to know that one of my purposes of comin' to New York is to catch that coyote in Central Park. I heard its Mary Tyler Moore's cat she turned lose or maybe its really that nasty lookin' new Trump baby. My other purpose here is to start a new advice column right here in Fag City! You ask and I'll answer. Questions concerning celebs, sex with hot men, nurses and Oprah are always welcome.
Double D


  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger Ginger Snaps said…

    Ooh, look at that picture of Dolly! Golly!

    I have a question: "What do you do when your shitty boyfriend (who's not even your real boyfriend cuz he's so desperately afraid of commitment that he insists on leaving your hanging) goes away for a week and you miss him like crazy the whole EN-tire time and then he comes back and less than two days later he's being nasty to you on your way out the door in the morning because he's mad at his cell phone provider for making it hard to send pictures from his phone?"


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