The Fagulous Blog!

Learning the Fags of Life!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Closet Door Is Open; COME OUT COME OUT COME OUT!

Ok, I'm sick of this nonsense already.

Enough is enough.

Seacrest and Lance Friggin Bass: YOUR TIME HAS COME!

Paula Abdul, Teri Hatcher and Simon Cowell have all gone on late-night talk shows in the past few weeks, separately blasting Ryan. Teri said that Ryan and her shared a kiss for the paparrazzi and then he disappeared never to be heard of again. Simon said that while Playgirl offered contestant Ace Young $100,000 to pose for Playgirl, Ryan Seacrest 'offered him $200,000'. Paula explained how Ryan would make out in the mirror if he wasn't being watched.

Ryan, we are not as dumb as you might believe we are. We can put 2 and 2 together.. or in your case, a Versace blazer and D&G jeans. In case you didn't already know this about yourself, you are gay. You are gayer than gay. You are THEEE Gay. You may call yourself metrosexual but homo has a better ring to it... kinda like the ring you wear around your dick when you are jerking off to photos of Chris Daughtry. You ain't foolin' this fag.

Moving on...

Lance Bass.

Lance Bass takes it up the ass.

Lance Bass has been spotted with faghags such as Shannon Elizabeth and some other no-names WHILE HIS BOYFRIEND REICHEN IS ON THE OPPOSING END OF THE GROUP CIRCLE! (thank you, Perez!)

You've got to be kidding me!

They also have the nerve to walk hand in hand while the photogs are out of sight and literally RUN TO THE NEAREST GIRL when the cameras are in clear view.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

From the first moment that *Nsync entered the spotlight, it was all too clear.. err, i mean queer!

When one of the Fagulous crew finds you out at our local gay watering hole, you better believe we will spill a drink on you. Unless you come in with Reichen and the both of you are wearing one of those 'Pitcher/Catcher' matching t-shirts. Then, we will forgive you.


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