The Fagulous Blog!

Learning the Fags of Life!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Your Bedtime Body Language

Take the quiz:
Your Bedtime Body Language (PICS)(Guys Only)

On Your Side
You are probably mild-mannered and rational. Since this semifetal sleeper takes up a minimal amount of space, he tends to be a giving lover. Also, he's way too sensible to play -- or stand for -- mind games.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I Was Going To Make A Brokeback Reference But That's Sooo 2005!

OK, I'm going to ask the first question that comes to my mind.

Does Becks or his friend have the BIGGER DICK???

I am kinda thinking the friend does...

Celebs Heart The Rock

Random collection of your favorites in rock t-shirts.

Do we approve?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ugliest Husband Ever?

This fag think so, do you?

Comment away!

Guess The Bitch #1: Answer

For all you impatient folks who just couldn't wait until 4pm...

First, here are some more photos, help you any?

Why... it.... is.....

The one and only....


Michelle Williams: "Humble Normal and Centered"

So Says Momma!

I'd like to refer to as: lucky as hell, has-been and sorta cute but not really, but who am I to judge?

In all honesty, she was fantastic in Brokeback and let's hope she wins. Jack NASTY!

Guess The Bitch #1

Well, actually this woman is not a bitch at all but I just wanted to use the word 'bitch'. So there, bitch.

This is a toughie and I'll give you a big hint... you've probably seen this woman, whether you wanted to or not, at least 100 times in your lifetime, if not more.

Mystery Lady revealed at 4pm.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Love List #2: Anna Nicole and Kat McPhee

All right, bitches, I'm back. And I just want to give TITS UP to Miss Mathilda and the other beautiful ladies of the Fag 4 for their excellent entries, while I've been in magazine land toiling for the man. The gay man, but still...

I return with a positive message of love for two very different women, both of whom are living the American Dream, an American Idol and an American Idle, if you will.

KAT MCPHEE is the most awesome part of American Idol this season, hands down. Sure, I have Ace on my desktop and wouldn't mind showing my appreciation for his assets in very energetic ways, but in terms of music, it's all about the KittenKat. Her purrfect performance of what is now my new favorite song "Since I Fell For You" (you can find it recorded by Babs Streisand, Bonnie Raitt, Natalie Cole and Reba McEntire, Johhny Matthis and others) was so controlled yet entertaining — definitely a vocal virtuoso. Plus she's definitely got that, "I want her at MY birthday party, quality." I cannot wait to hear what she bursts out with next. All you bitches better vote for her. She is FAGULOUS!

And now, from someone living the American Dream of taking a risk and working hard in the hopes that your talent will be recognized to the more popular American Dream of not doing very much at all, marrying someone with money and becoming a household name, despite being a mess.

ANNA NICOLE SMITH, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways! I love you so much I put you on the first page of my magazine even though the publisher didn't like the picture. I loved your show, and in particular, the fact that I couldn't decide whether I wanted more for you to sleep with your male lawyer, your female assistant, your dog or Margaret Cho. I love that you're shilling for TrimSpa, so I no longer have to worry about you going broke if the Supreme Court doesn't award you your dead hubby's money. At my most drag queeny, at my most f*cked up, at my most hilarious, it often seems as though I'm channeling you - not because I'm doing it consciously, but because you ARE the most hilarious, the most f*cked up and the most drag queeny.

She-crest out!

The Fagulous Quiz!: #2

Back with another installment, enjoy!
Answers in comments, but don't cheat, you bastard!!

1. Which Simpson is the oldest?
a) Ashlee Simpson
b) OJ Simpson
c) Jessica Simpson
d) Maggie Simpson

2. This is the name of Britney's pooch:
a) Britney Junior
b) Pinky
c) Smelly
d) Bit Bit

3. Put the following American Idol winners in order of their victories.
a) Kelly, Ruben, Carrie, Fantasia
b) Fantasia, Ruben, Kelly, Carrie
c) Kelly, Carrie, Ruben, Fantasia
d) Kelly, Ruben, Fantasia, Carrie

4. Who's older: Joan Rivers or Dolly Parton?
a) Joan
b) Dolly
c) They are exactly the same age
d) Melissa Rivers

5. This songstress did the soundtrack to the awful Jennifer Aniston film Rumor Has It:
a) Kelly Clarkson
b) Nellie McKay
c) Joan Osborne
d) Marilyn Manson

A Story We're Proud Of

Here's a story we here at Fagulous are very happy to hear.

Lily McBeth, pictured with this post, recently went through a sex change operation at the age of 71.

Despite idiotic parents, bitchy co-workers and a tough board of electors, she has kept her job as substitute teacher and is happier than ever!

Full story here.

You go, girl! (circa 1992, pardon me)

Monday, February 27, 2006

It Must Be Something In The Name

Hate List #5

Can anybody stand these two? They are awful people. And she really looks like shit after the gastric bypass, let's not kid oursevles.

Guesses as to how much longer their marriage will last...anyone?

I doubt they'll still be embracing by... hmm... August.

And Al will go into gay porn, for sure.