Love List #6: Moz (Admitting It, Finally)

The Ringleader himself, has finally given us the OK to say he's a fag.
Continually giving the pronoun of 'he' to his characters now on the new disc, Ringleader Of The Tormentors, I am prouder everyday to call myself a Morrissey fanatic. In the past, he would rarely use any sort of gender defining lyric (even though we all knew).
I mean, really, how can you guess he was straight with lyrics such as these??:
1. "I coulda been wild and I coulda been free but nature played this trick on me" (Pretty Girls Make Graves)
2. "Hand in glove, we can go wherever we please, and everything depends upon how near you stand to me, oh and if the people stare, then the people stare, oh I really don't know and I really don't care" (Hand In Glove)
3. "Let me get my hands on your mammory glands and let me get your head in the conjugal bed, I crack the whip but oh you deserve it, a boy in the bush is worth two in the hand.. oh you handsome devil" (Handsome Devil)
4. "He's got too many girlfriends, I'm just jealous, that's all, he thinks he owns this city, he overspeeds and he never gets pulled over" (Boy Racer)
The last song is actually secretly about Moz's affair with his driver, risque, eh?
Lord only knows what they did in the backseat!