The Fagulous Blog!

Learning the Fags of Life!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Fagulous Week In Review - 6/23

Angelina tells all to Anderson Cooper
Apparently her, Brad and the kids are doing SUPER!
Or, at least that's how Anderson woulda said it
He went on the Daily Show where he laughed like a big ol' faggot

Jakey photographed playing b-ball in the city
Honey, we love you, but Nikes??
Britney dyes her hair black
Carrying Tater Tot this week without dropping him, let's cut her some slack!

Taylor's first single debuts at the top of the charts
I guess America really loves him, despite being 47 and having warts
Somewhere Kat is kicking a pillow
That, or with Pete Doherty doing blow

Project Runway Season 3 has been pushed up to July twelfth!
Nothing really rhymes with that, except svelt!
We hear there are 'straight guys' this season
Now will you watch the show?? As if there was another reason...

Guy is sick of Madonna's no AC rule
He called her on it and she calls him a fool
She's afraid it will hurt her voice
We say, you iz one crazy bitch, but hey, it's her choice!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dolly Sez: WTF Happened, Connie???

Dear Faithful Readers,

This week I am keepin’ it real (and short) by havin y’all watch this clip of poor retarded Connie Chung sing goodbye to her charming yet stupidity laced show. Oh, shit this is just grand. When Alzheimers sets in kids, it ain’t pretty. Connie seems to have transported herself to an entirely different dimension as she writhes and wriggles out her Fabulous Baker Boys routine complete with a gorgeously orchestrated fainting session at the end of her lovely song. Turn up those speakers to hear the delightful grunt during the piano dismount! Bravo Connie! Now all you have left to do is throw up on national television!
PS – Miss Dolly will write the poor piano player a check from her own purse – seeing as how Connie forgot to pay him to actually play.

Comments on gown and performance are gladly accepted. No shame!

Later, love and good luck!

Miss Dolly

Humpin on Thursday Nurses #4: Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy

Guurrllll, I have been ruullll busy with my new job and all. I is so sorry I ain't been keepin' up with y'all. Have a little pity for the Patty. I was supposed to do this last week, then I was supposed to do it yesterday, but damn, I is just geetin' so busy. Well this ain't nothin too new but I figure it is still vurry interesting. Who do y'all think is hotter, Jake Gyllenhaal or Heath Ledger? Would you rather top Jack Nasty, or bottom for Ennis Del Mar? You let me know. Who says you can't hump on a Thursday?

You Caption It #35

Oh Brit ...